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Community Updates

Connectivity in & around our community

Learn about all thing's connectivity including the community bus, PTV bus services & train stations.

General amenity updates

Get the latest updates on all the exciting community facilities under construction at Mt Atkinson including schools, parks and more!

Road Projects

Our network of roads in, out and surrounding the community is a complex network. Read more about what we've already created and what is still to come.

Preparing your lot for home construction

The stages of preparing your lot for building ensure the foundation of your future home is constructed to the highest engineering standards. So, what's really involved in the process?

Existing: already constructed
Proposed: if there is less than 100% certainty on things
Planned: if planning approval has been received, but construction has not commenced
Future: if the point of interest is definitely proceeding and construction has commenced/is imminent

Last updated 26 March, 2024 

This website is supplied for the purpose of providing an impression of Stockland Mt Atkinson’s existing and proposed third party infrastructure, facilities, amenities, services and destinations, and is not intended to be used for any other purpose.

This website contains information provided by third parties, is based on the intention of, and information available to, Stockland and the Mt Atkinson Landowner as at the time of publication 18 March 2024, and may change due to future circumstances. Any statements made are indicative only and may be based on assumptions which may not be correct and are not intended to be representations as to future matters. Information provided by third parties have not been independently verified by Stockland or the Mt Atkinson Landowner and should not be taken as financial, legal, or professional advice. The information of the third parties may not represent the views, opinions and commentary of Stockland or the Mt Atkinson Landowner. Indications of location, distance or size are approximate and for indicative purposes only. Subject to change.

This website is not legally binding on Stockland or the Mt Atkinson Landowner. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Stockland and the Mt Atkinson Landowner make no representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this website, and Stockland and the Mt Atkinson Landowner do not accept any loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on this website, its contents or any information provided by third parties. Before making any financial investment, you should consult legal, financial and professional advisers regarding your individual circumstances and suitability for investment.