The Stockland Liveability Index
Did you know that in 2024, 82% of Stockland Halcyon homeowners were happy* with their standard of living?
We know it takes a lot more than bricks and mortar to create connected, liveable and happy communities. The voice of our homeowners plays an important role as we continuously work towards curating inspiring places that offer a better way to live.
The annual Liveability Index Survey^ measures what matters most to homeowners, so we can design communities around what’s important. The survey invites feedback on the lifestyle aspects of:
- Belonging
- Connection
- Health and fitness
- Safety
- Environment and sustainability
Learn more about the five key areas below.
*% of homeowners that scored 8 to 10 out of 10.
^The Stockland Liveability Index Survey encompassed 11 active communities in 2023 in Stockland Halcyon’s portfolio and 13 active communities in 2024.
In the meantime, our team will organise the draw for the 20 $500 gift cards*. Winners will be announced soon and notified by telephone, email or in person. After determining the top 3 communities with the highest survey completion rates, we’ll reach out to the Community Managers and the Home Owner Committee Chairpersons to discuss which Stockland charity they’d like to donate $1000 to.
Thank you to all our home owners who completed the survey. If you missed out this year, you’ll have another chance to participate in 2026.
Who you are supporting
Who you are supporting
Read about the organisations we support below. Which organisation's plight resonates with your community?

Our clients include single parents, First Nations Peoples, households with a disability, culturally and linguistically diverse migrants, refugees, social and affordable housing tenants, and lower-income renters. Our programs are designed to help families and individuals, including single mothers, achieve home ownership, secure rental assistance, and gain financial literacy.

People leaving crisis care have access to housing but often don't have the means
to furnish a new home. ReLove rescues furniture and white goods from our corporate partners and community and delivers it directly to people who need a helping hand. The ReLove Free Store is a safe space for referred clients to choose everything they need to set up their home, allowing them to choose how they want to live.

Through our free programs and resources, Belongside Families help families navigate complex systems, connect them to a community of support, and build the skills, knowledge, and confidence to support their children. At Belongside Families, we are passionate about empowering families to create a future full of possibility.
Find out more about Belongside Families by clicking the link below.
What we measure
What we measure

Belonging is that special connection you feel when you’ve found your place in the world. It’s knowing your neighbours by name, making new friends, the warm greetings you receive when you’re out and about in the community, and coming home to a place that feels just right for you.
In 2024, 84% of home owners said they agree* that their community is a desirable place to live.
*Portion of home owners that agree or strongly agree.

Connection is about having accessibility to a range of infrastructure and amenities. Regardless of your working status, having convenient connections to local shops, medical and allied health services, transport, and the greater community is important for holistic societal living.
Stockland Halcyon communities should feel like you have everything you need at your fingertips for a balanced lifestyle.
In 2024, 86% of homeowners said they were satisfied with their community's ease of access to freeways and main roads.
*Portion of homeowners that selected satisfied or extremely satisfied.

Health and fitness
Stockland Halcyon communities are strategically masterplanned with homeowner health and wellbeing in mind. The community facilities are designed to keep homeowners physically and mentally active and socially connected.
We want to know if our curated activities and social groups enrich your experience of community living, adding to your overall health and wellbeing.
In 2024, 80% of homeowners indicated they were satisfied* with ease of access to quality healthcare services outside of their community.
*Portion of home owners that were satisfied or extremely satisifed.

It goes without saying that safety is essential in any community setting. Safety encompasses personal safety, security of your home and assets, and feeling safe enough to be yourself in your community.
A safe community feels like home. Safety feels like a high level of comfort when walking or biking around your community, the feeling of assurance in the pool, and the ability to be yourself and feel included without fear of exclusion or marginalisation.
In 2023, 82% of home owners said they were happy* with their personal safety.
*Portion of home owners that gave a 8-10 score out of 10.

Environment and Sustainability
When creating our communities, environment and sustainability are key fundamentals in home design, landscaping, and the community’s overall masterplan. Not only do we consider the aesthetic aspect of our green spaces, provide home designs that are contemporary and environmentally conscious but we are also accountable for the protection and conservation of the native flora and fauna in and around our communities.
In 2024, 9 in 10 of our home owners were satisfied or extremely satisfied with the ease of walking or cycling in the community.

With 9 in 10 of our homeowners in 2024 being satisfied or extremely satisfied with the ease of walking or cycling in their communities, it's helped reaffirm our focus on environment and sustainability.
With 9 in 10 of our homeowners in 2024 being satisfied or extremely satisfied with the ease of walking or cycling in their communities, it's helped reaffirm our focus on environment and sustainability.
What to expect next
The 2025 Stockland Liveability Index Survey is live and closes on Sunday 9 March 2025. Find your unique link in your email to complete the survey and enter the draw to win a gift card valued at $500*.
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
No, it is completely voluntary. However, we would love to hear from you (good, bad or neutral) and it would really help amplify the voices of your fellow home owners' responses if we get a bigger and more representative sample from your community.
You will receive an email week commencing Monday 17th February. If you do not receive an email from us, please check your junk mail or spam folder as it can end up there. If you still cannot find it, please ask your Community Manager during Community Hours. Alternatively, there will be a survey link in the community newsletter and posters around your community that have a QR code you can scan.
Yes. There are no printed or paper copies of the survey. The only way to complete the survey is online.
No. Sharing is not caring in this case. The email invites are unique, so if you share it with someone else, only the first complete will be recorded, so either you will lock yourself out or they would not be able to complete it. They should use their personal email link if possible. If not, they can use the generic link from the poster or community newsletter content block. They can also see their Community Manager for assistance.
Yes, you will both receive a personalised email inviting you to take the survey.
Please see your Community Manager for assistance during community hours. Please note that there is a question asking about your satisfaction with your Community Management Team in the survey (in the second half of the survey after the open-ended response), so please do not ask them to enter your responses for the entirety of the survey if you can help it. If a web admin team member is available, your Community Manager will direct you to them as the first port of call.
We care about your privacy. We also believe in being honest, direct and transparent when it comes to your data.
Stockland has engaged FifthDimension, an independent research agency with appropriate data accreditations, to administer this survey. Stockland and FifthDimension strictly adhere to the requirements of the Privacy Act in Australia as it relates to the collection, storage and use of personal information provided by you in this survey. Stockland has partnered with FifthDimension, an independent research agency with the necessary data accreditations, to conduct this survey. Both Stockland and FifthDimension comply with the Australian Privacy Act regarding the collection, storage, and use of your personal information. Your personal information (name, email, address, and phone number) will only be accessible to a small, trusted team and will be deleted according to the Australian Privacy Act. In particular, the gift card agencies (iGoDirect Direct and Novatti Group Limited) will receive your personal information solely for the purpose of distributing gift cards to the winners.
You will find the detailed Privacy Collection Notice within the survey, and if at any point, you do not feel comfortable, you can exit the survey and we will not retain your data.
*See survey link for full terms and conditions.
This website is supplied for the purpose of providing an impression of Stockland Halcyon and the approximate location of existing and proposed third party infrastructure, facilities, amenities, services and destinations, and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. All details, image and statements are based on the intention of, and information available to, Stockland as at the time of publication (February 2025) and may change due to future circumstances. This website is not legally binding on Stockland. Stockland does not give any warrant in relation to any information contained in this website. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on this website or its contents.