
Our Display Village Garden is thriving after four weeks, and it's time to share the abundance! There are lettuces, pak choy, herbs, tomatoes, spinach, flowers, citrus trees, and more. The garden is located in our Display Village next to our Sales & Information Centre.

1 min
12 June 2023

Due to the amazing amount of interest and keenness to contribute from our North Shore residents we thought we would highlight some key points about the gardens. The gardens are part of our existing Display Village located at the popular Junction Village.

• The Display Village gardens are a Stockland initiative & overseen by the Sales Team
• Residents are welcome to share in the fresh produce
• We encourage residents to contribute by popping in a new plant/seedling where possible
• Assistance with weeding the garden beds is appreciated
• Children should be supervised when visiting the gardens please
• The Display Village gardens are a Stockland asset and will not be handed over at any stage to the Townsville City Council