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School morning hacks for busy weekdays

Category: kids

The beginning of a new school year means that weekday mornings are back to being filled with making sure the kids are out of bed on time, dressed in clean clothes, have eaten a nutritious breakfast, and last night’s homework is packed and ready to go in their school bags. Of course, this is certainly easier said than done. One minute everyone’s ready to go and the next, breakfast has been spilled, drink bottles have been misplaced and lunchboxes have been filled with last-minute snacks amongst the morning chaos.


If you’ve been looking for a few hacks to make school mornings simpler for the whole family, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve gathered some of our best school morning hacks to help you start the school year on the right foot and make weekday mornings a breeze. 


Pack school bags the night before

The best way to ensure the kids have everything they need ready for school in the morning is by making sure their school bags are packed the night before. Once dinner is over and before they get ready for bed, help them pack their bags with their homework, spare clothes, books, pencil case, and any other school essentials they may need. Not only will this avoid anything being misplaced in the morning, but it also means that the only things left to pack will be their lunches and filled drink bottles.

Whether they’re in preschool, primary school, or starting high school, making sure they have everything they need packed the night before will make sure every school morning runs smoothly. 


Lay out their school clothes

Some school mornings are filled with scavenger hunts where the whole family will be trying to track down a pair of matching socks and a pair of school pants the dog hasn’t already drooled all over. While scavenger hunts can be fun, it’s not ideal when you’re also trying to get the kids to school on time. So, to make sure all your kid’s school clothes are accounted for, lay them out somewhere in the house where they cannot be accessed by sauce-covered hands or dirty paws. You can do this either the night before or carve out some time on a Sunday afternoon to create a pile of clean school clothes for the whole week, which will not only save you time in the mornings, but in the evenings as well.


Plan your lunchbox additions

When it comes to school lunches, they need to be healthy, easy to pack, and absolutely delicious. So, to make sure your kids lunchboxes are always filled to the brim with tasty treats that are also nutritious, why not create a weekly lunchbox plan so you know exactly what to pack each morning? If you need a dose of inspiration, you can check out our back to school lunchbox ideas, where we’ve compiled five days’ worth of the best healthy additions and grab-and-go combinations. If you’re looking to get a little more creative with your lunchbox additions, try our recipe for sushi sandwiches and surprise your kids with a trendy treat.

Make every morning fun

A great way to get everyone moving each morning is by making your home a fun and energetic place to be. Get the kids out of bed by turning on their favourite music and letting them brush their teeth to their favourite Wiggles song. Make a game out of getting dressed for preschool by giving the kids a theme and seeing what fun outfits they can come up with. By making school mornings exciting and fun, your children will feel more motivated to get ready and will leave the house with big smiles on their faces. 



There you have it! With these school morning hacks, every weekday will certainly run smoothly and your kids will start the year off with delicious lunches, pristine school clothes, and leave the house excited and ready to learn!


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