Getting Here
Getting Here
Stockland Harrisdale is located on the corner of Nicholson Road and Yellowwood Avenue, Harrisdale WA 6112
There are several bus stops surrounding the Centre. Route 519 is the most frequent service.
Bus timetables are available from Centre Management or from the Transperth Info Line on 13 62 13
Cockburn train station (on the Mandurah Line) is a fifteen-minute bus ride from Stockland Harrisdale shopping centre.
For all public transport information contact Transperth InfoLine on 13 62 13 or
Stockland is committed to advancing climate action. Providing sustainable green transport options for our customers is an important part of our commitment.
There are 2 bike racks at the centre, located near each of the centre entrances. For security purposes, please ensure you bring your own bike lock.
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale
Parking at Stockland Harrisdale

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