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Liveability at The Gables

At The Gables, we know it takes a lot more than bricks and mortar to create a thriving community. Our annual Liveability Index Survey measures what matters to our residents, so we can design our communities around what’s important.

The Liveability Index Survey invites feedback on all aspects of the community - from quality of build and natural environments, to how it's design supports mental and physical wellbeing.

Here's what we're doing to improve^

Increased community news + updates

We understand the importance of connecting with The Gables community and keeping the neighbourhood informed about the latest updates and developments.

We will increase our newsletter frequency and will send out updates on a bi-monthly basis. We will also send out a mail card for residents to opt-in to updates who may not already be on the list. By providing more regular communication, we aim to keep our community in the loop and ensure you are well-informed. This will help foster stronger relationships, encourage engagement, and create a more inclusive and interactive environment for the community.

More community events

You’ve said you’d like more events at The Gables, and we’ve listened! In 2024, we will be implementing an even more exciting and extensive schedule of new events and activations. Our goal is to make life at The Gables even better. We are dedicated to bringing you a diverse range of activities, gatherings, and entertainment options. Stay tuned for our upcoming schedule, as we are committed to making The Gables a vibrant and enjoyable place to live.

Important project and traffic updates

We understand the importance of staying informed about important infrastructure developments, including road and transport updates. Keeping your safety and convenience front of mind, we are pleased to inform you that there will be works and updates at the Old Pitt Town Rd intersection, aimed at enhancing safety for residents and commuters at The Gables. Stay tuned for more information.

Improved amenity – Bobby Bakehouse

We’ve been eagerly awaiting the grand opening of Bobby Bakehouse, and now that it's finally here, it's already become a popular gathering spot for the community. Conveniently located at 1 Lakefront Crescent, Gables, Bobby Bakehouse is open daily, offering Gables residents a delightful place to indulge in their renowned bakery treats.

Bobby Bakehouse also caters to the daily needs of the community, providing convenience items like milk, bread, juice, and more. Whether you're craving a delectable pastry or need to grab some essentials, Bobby Bakehouse is the place to be!

*Percentage calculated from results obtained in the Stockland Liveability Index Survey conducted between 20/02/2023 and 19/03/2023. The Stockland Liveability Index Survey contains views and opinions expressed by customers of Stockland. The views, opinions and commentary of such individuals may not represent the views, opinions and commentary of all customers of Stockland. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on the views, opinions and commentary of such individuals.

^Any future infrastructure referenced is proposed for Stockland The Gables as at 28/11/2023 The delivery and location of proposed infrastructure, facilities, amenities, services and destinations is indicative only and may change due to future circumstances.