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Explore Forest Reach

Forest Reach is a place like no other, where nature and convenience combine at the foothills of the Illawarra Escarpment.

It's within your reach

Experience the best of all worlds at Forest Reach, Stockland’s new masterplanned community.
Set among native trees and rolling hills in Huntley, at the foothills of the Illawarra Escarpment and just 18km from Wollongong, Forest Reach feels like it’s in a world of its own. And yet, everyday conveniences are still in easy reach. It’s a way of life without compromise.

Living at Forest Reach means having the best of life in your reach

Where to next?

This website is supplied for the purpose of providing an impression of Stockland Forest Reach and the approximate location of existing and proposed third party infrastructure, facilities, amenities, services and destinations, and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. All details, images and statements are based on the intention of, and information available to, Stockland as at the time of publication (May 2024) and may change due to future circumstances. This website is not legally binding on Stockland. Stockland does not give any warranty in relation to any information contained in this website. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on this website or its contents. All distance and travel timeframe references are estimates only, refer to distance by car or driving time (unless specified otherwise), and are based on information obtained from Google Maps at the time of publication (May 2024).