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How to Organise Your Home: 10 Tips and Ideas

Category: home and DIY

Coming home to a pristine house that’s de-cluttered, organised, and clean is one of the most welcoming and homely feelings. While the prospect of spring-cleaning your home might be one that fills you with dread, it's actually easier than you expect if you organise yourself and tackle it with a game plan.

To help you get started with spring-cleaning, we’ve put together the ultimate guide to refreshing your home for the new season.


1. Clear Out Clutter & Organise Your Home

Clutter is one of the first things to address when spring-cleaning your home. It’s an easy way to breathe new energy into your home without having to completely overhaul your lifestyle. For ongoing organisation, purchase an extra basket from The Reject Shop and once a week work through your home and collect all the bits and pieces that have ended up in the wrong place. Areas such as bench tops, the coffee table, entryways and bedrooms are good places to start. Once you’ve collected everything, move back through the house (or get the kids to help out!) and return everything to their rightful place.

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2. Wardrobe Organisation Tips

A spring clean is the perfect opportunity to overhaul your wardrobe and get rid of clothes and shoes that you don’t wear. If there are pieces that you haven’t worn in a while, pass them on to an op shop to give them a second chance. Or, if you have expensive pieces that you don’t wear as much as you thought, why not sell them online?

Once you’ve cleaned out unwanted pieces, make sure to swing by Kmart and Big W to discover how their range of new season home wares can help give your wardrobe a refresh and better organise your bedroom. Matching velvet hangers, sock organisers, and shoe racks are all easy and affordable additions that will make getting ready in the morning easier than ever.

3. How To Clean Out Your Pantry

When was the last time you emptied your pantry and cleared out everything you don’t use? Or even getting rid of all equipment, appliances and utensils that you have double-ups of or that are broken? Taking the time to tidy your pantry and organise your kitchen will help make meal times easier. Head into Robins Kitchen to purchase a new set of cookware that will serve you and your family for years to come. While you’re there, top up on things like matching dinner sets, fresh new tea towels and anything else your kitchen needs to make dinner time a breeze.

4. Deep Clean Your Appliances

While we’re in the kitchen, now is a good time to deep clean all your appliances.

Most of your appliances and kitchenware (such as the blender, tea kettle, ice trays and Tupperware) can be cleaned with equal parts vinegar and water. To remove stains or grime build-up and minimise odour, make a paste of 2 tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in hot water and apply it to affected areas. Let the paste soak for a few minutes and then scrub clean. Your refrigerator should also be deep cleaned every few months, and this includes everything from rinsing the door seals with warm, soapy water and soaking shelves and bins, to wiping down the interior with a baking soda and water paste. Head into Coles, Woolworths or Aldi to stock up on vinegar, baking soda, and anti-bacterial wipes.

5. Out With The Old Linen

Nothing quite says “spring” like fresh new sheets. Go through your linen cupboard and carefully inspect all your manchester. If there are any pieces that have holes or tears that can’t be easily repaired, it might be time to replace them with new threads. Materials such as silk and bamboo are hypoallergenic which means they are fantastic for minimising the cultivation of bacteria. However, natural cottons and linens are also good choices as they are breathable, family friendly and easy to launder. Target and Kmart have a wide range to choose from, including bed sheets, throws, cushion covers, bath towels and more.

6. Why You Should Be Using Natural Fibres

Where possible, you should always opt for natural fibres in your home. Materials such as cotton, wool, bamboo, linen, silk and hemp are beneficial because they are made from natural fibres. Conversely, synthetic materials (such as polyester, nylon and rayon) are made of plastic. Different natural fibres have different properties, but they are commonly hypoallergenic, naturally resistant to mould, breathable, durable, biodegradable, and easy to care for. These materials are often better for the environment as well as the health and wellbeing of you and your family. Keep an eye out for organic-certified materials as these have been grown without chemical treatments and are a healthier option for you and your family.

7. Get The Kids Involved With Cleaning

One of the easiest cleaning tips we can recommend is to get the kids to help out. Getting the kids involved with spring cleaning is a great way to keep them busy, teach them important cleaning and organising skills, and to lighten your load. Giving them a little cleaning caddy (you can find great baskets at The Reject Shop and the kids can decorate them any way they like) and have them move through the house and collect any of their toys, clothes or belongings that are out of place. You can even play their favourite music to make it more enjoyable, and set up an easy rewards system where the more they clean, the more playtime they get later.

8. Tips For Indoor Plants

In case you didn’t know, indoor plants are good for your health! According to a 2016 Harvard study, bringing greenery indoors can be very beneficial for your physical and mental health and wellbeing. Plants can provide feelings of pleasure, calm, and relief, while also cleaning the air of toxins and impurities. If you’re worried about upkeep, keeping and growing indoor plants doesn’t have to be a horticultural horror. Plants such as Devil’s Ivy, Chinese Ever Green, and Philodendron flourish with minimal maintenance.

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9. DIY Your Own Cleaning Products

Common commercial cleaners may get the job done, but they can also be loaded with toxic and polluting substances. The long-term health concerns for your family and environment make them less-than-desirable, especially if you or your family suffer from asthma, allergies or sinusitis. For long-term, affordable benefits, one of our favourite cleaning ideas is to DIY our own products. If you’re feeling thrifty, head into Coles, Woolworths or Aldi and stock up on some environmentally-safe ingredients that you can use to DIY some cleaning products. You’ll find that baking soda, lemon juice, and white vinegar will be enough to tackle most cleaning jobs, but it doesn’t hurt to grab a few extra tools! Washing soda can be used to clean stains from walls, tiles, sinks and tubs, while vegetable or olive oil can be used to make a homemade wood polish. Cornstarch can also be used to clean windows, polish furniture, and shampoo carpets and rugs. You can even add eucalyptus or lavender oil to make your homemade cleaning products smell more pleasant.

10. Layout Tips For Your Home

An important part of your spring clean is moving all your furniture and vacuuming and dusting in all the hard-to-reach spaces you usually miss. While doing this, analyse your layout to see if it can be improved. As the seasons change, you may want to rearrange your furniture to make the most of natural light and windows, or to prevent residue and dust build up in the same areas. This can also help equalise the wear-and-tear on tiles, hardwood floors and carpets.

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