
We're making major strides at Sienna Wood to bring you connected, convenient living with a future town centre!

2 min
06 September 2023

Here's an update on what we've achieved so far, and our future focus to progress plans for Sienna Wood's town centre. 


 What we've done: 


1. As the first step in the process, the Town Activity Centre Plan Approval locked in the key access points, intended scale, and uses for the future town centre. 

2.  In July 2023, we completed Stage 1 Civil Works, allowing for retail development construction to start (once other milestones have been achieved). Our contractors have now moved on to both road and service works to ensure the site is ready, and there is safe and efficient access to the future town centre. 


3. In October 2023, our Retail Centre Development Application (DA) for Stage 1 was approved. The Development Application includes a supermarket, specialty shops, and food and dining offerings.

Sienna Wood town centre render 3

Where we're heading: 


4. Following the DA approval, detailed design will start alongside leasing so that the design of the centre is documented to suit the requirements of tenants. 

5. With design underway, upgrades to a portion of Forrest Road will be required before the centre can open. This will require approval and funding from external authorities.

6. Once detailed design and leasing activities are completed, and the upgrades to Forrest Road have been committed to, the construction of the centre can begin. 

 Sienna Wood town centre render 4


We're getting closer each day - with changes to Weatherly Way in full swing. 


While the delivery of the town centre is subject to approvals and the upgrade of Forrest Road, you'll be hearing all the updates as they happen. For now, grab a coffee from Mooba Café and explore the streets of Sienna Wood!


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Artist's impression of potential future infrastructure and amenity based on information available to Stockland as at 22/08/2023. Subject to council approval. Indications of location, distance or size are approximate and for indicative purposes only. Subject to change.