
Turning over a new leaf, we’re planting 10,000 new, native trees at our Willowdale community!

2 min
02 August 2018

On Friday 25th May, with the help of local dignitaries, NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts planted the 6000th tree at Willowdale.

He praised Stockland for helping to move towards a target of increasing Sydney’s urban canopy coverage, commenting ‘To everyone who has been on this project, again, congratulations, you are developing a really resilient, fantastic community here and you will be able to say to your children and your grandchildren – I built that…”

We were thrilled to also have the support of the Mayor of Campbelltown City Council Cr George Brticevic who commented “Willowdale is the finest example of community and liveability…Stockland – they are truly a community developer, they create a liveable community, a lifespan community. You’ve got everything here with the shopping centre, commercial space, the bus to Leppington station, the walkability, the cycle ways – bringing nature back to children.”  Also present was the Commissioner Open Space and Parklands Fiona Morrison and Chris Patterson MP, Member for Camden.

Willowdale offers more than 39 hectares of open space, the equivalent of 58 rugby fields. The abundance of green open spaces encourages a healthy and active lifestyle for residents of all ages. We hope you are enjoying Willowdale Regional Park, Jamboree Park, our new dog park and the stunning walking and cycleways of the riparian corridor. 

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