A school-based national challenge looking to benefit the environment.
Did you know that in Australia, each year, over 300 million household batteries are thrown away with ordinary waste? Less than 3% are recycled, meaning a staggering 14,000 tonnes of batteries end up in landfill.
The Santa Sophia Catholic College's staff, parents and students are making a big difference! The Big Battery Rescue is a school-based national challenge – free for schools – brought to you by the National Theatre for Children, which Stockland The Gables has signed up to sponsor.
Santa Sophia Catholic College have joined the challenge and are collecting batteries to recycle. See what the teachers had to say;
"The Kindergarten students were so inspired by the presentation that they are still bringing in batteries! It is clear that it sparked many conversations at home. Thank you for your dedication," Kindergarten Teacher Georgia Fitzalan, Santa Sophia Catholic College.
"It related very closely to our technology unit that we were teaching in investigations. We were able to further discuss the messages explored in the live stream. The students were highly engaged during the entire presentation," Grade 2 Teacher Ashleigh Tabine, Santa Sophia Catholic College.
Watch the video below to learn about The Big Battery Rescue's National School's Challenge or find the Holiday Challenge Guidebook here.