
Meet Halcyon Promenade's 100th Homeowners!

5 min
25 June 2024

Halcyon Promenade is delighted to introduce Mark Baranov and Mary Godlee, the community’s 100th homeowners, whose milestone journey bursts with adventure, love and serendipity!

"We are very happy with Halcyon Promenade. We did look at other places, but in terms of the home you get and financial setup, it just worked for us,” Mark says.

After living on the Gold Coast for over 30 years they decided to test the waters on a tree change in Toowoomba post-retirement.

At the end of their first year, Mark and Mary longed to be closer to family, friends and the coast, so the search began.

They serendipitously settled on Halcyon Promenade. Just before they planned to buy a home one street over, they received a call from Halcyon’s sales consultant, Lauren.

“The exact house we wanted had suddenly become available and we could get into our home about four months sooner,” Mary says.

“The only catch was, we had to get to the Sale Centre and Display Home that Friday to choose our colours, as we were flying to Europe for four months that Sunday.”

Mark jokes, “The pressure was on!”

But for Mary, a former interior designer, it was a breeze. “I measured it all up, planned the colours, tiles and fit out, we even signed the documentation remotely while overseas.”

They loved every moment of their adventure and finalising their dream home while jet-setting across Europe, but were thrilled to finally settle into their new community.

“We’ve had our traveling days. Now, I’ve got the dream house a new puppy only weeks away, our own garden and a pool around the corner plus water up the road — I’m happy,” Mary says.

Likewise, how Mark and Mary found themselves in Halcyon Promenade is not the only great story they share. Their story could be straight out of a romantic comedy!

 “It all started in Sydney, way back in 1988. We were both happily married to other people at the time and Mark was my new boss at Hoyts,” Mary said.

“We just got along really well. A year later I left Hoyts and went back to work at St George Bank to complete my home loan training. Mark was my very first client.”

Seven years later, now both divorced and living on the Gold Coast, Mary spotted Mark out of the blue on a date in Broadbeach.

“I said, ‘bloody hell, that’s Mark!’ A few weeks later we reconnected at a Hoyts reunion, and we’ve been together ever since.”

“Between us, there was Douglas the basset hound, four sons plus their girlfriends, all living together,” Mary laughs.

“It was real Brady Bunch stuff,” Mark adds.

At Halcyon Promenade, Mark’s passion for cinema and his love of sport has found a new home.

“I have always been a mad tennis player but am really looking forward to taking up pickleball which is played on a smaller court.”

“I had 15 years with Hoyts as a cinema manager, so Jo-Anne immediately suggested that I join the Social Committee to help run the movie theatre here, my comment was as long as I don’t have to look after the technical side of the operation, I’m in,” Mark said.

Mary also wants to join the Promenade gardening group, do a bit of yoga and eventually attend the art classes.

“Talking to one of the ladies the other day, she mentioned she is into bonsai trees — everyone seems to have these hidden talents! I immediately said, ‘Yeah, I’d be into that.’”

Mark and Mary’s arrival as the 100th homeowners at Halcyon Promenade is a perfect fit. Mary’s advice for those contemplating the move?

“In retirement, people sometimes say, ‘I’ll wait until I can’t get around anymore.’ I’d recommend doing it sooner rather than later! Why wait?”