
Number one - Wildflower is Stockland's first all-electric community in WA and we have some beautiful lots available for purchase right now.

2 min
06 October 2023

You knew we were going to say that, didn't you. Maybe we should have called this nine reasons to go all electric?

But seriously, we're just one of many pockets around Australia that are making the move to all-electric and demand is well and truly matching supply.

Even if you're not building, switching your home over to all-electric has a load of benefits which we've whittled down to these eight to spark your enthusiasm.

1. Reduce your energy bills

Electric appliances tend to be more energy efficient than their counterparts, and in time this disparity will only get bigger as technology in the space evolves. Beyond the immediate savings, you can look forward to compounding this as the years go by. 

2. You'll have one less energy provider to connect to, and deal with  

No mains gas means no gas connection in your siteworks, one less call to make as you move in (and move out) as well as keeping track of one less outgoing in your household budget. 

3. Improved indoor air quality 

This isn't just a nice to have and something you might not notice. In Australia, homes with a gas cooktop increase a child's chance of developing asthma by a whopping 1.3 times! That's the equivalent to living in a home where someone smokes indoors! (Reference: Michele Goldman, Asthma Australia, 28 July, 2023).  

4. Set yourself up for the future 

Even if you're not becoming a complete Jetson at the outset, by having an all-electric home you're setting yourself up to be perfectly compatible as more parts of your life become electric. Think solar panels, electric cars, induction cooktop. Actually, let's put that one to the top of our list, thank you! 

5. Improve your resale value 

On average, if you buy a home in WA today then you'll sell it in 8 years (Reference: Statista, 2022). That takes us to 2031. Think back 8 years, 2015. That was practically prehistoric. Microsoft didn't even produce laptops at the start of 2015! We didn't have Netflix and Uber was still illegal (Reference: AFR, 2015). An all-electric home is going to be commonplace and a minimum expectation when you come to sell it, so don't build it to become outdated. 

6. Say you were one of the first 

It's not just about keeping up with the Joneses when it comes to sustainability, you want to BE the Joneses. And you can! For next to nothing, you can set your home up to be one of the smartest of your suburb. 

7. Gas can never be renewable, but electricity can 

With the global move away from fossil fuels, your home will be making a proactive move to a more sustainable energy source that reduces greenhouse gas emissions so you can do your part to combat climate change. Remember, anyone who thinks that one person can't make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room. 

8. Set an example for your family 

Our kids are watching and absorbing every move we make. Unfortunately that can often be the word that slips out of your mouth as someone cuts you off on the freeway. But this is your chance to show that you care about them, the environment and the world around them. Believe us, they're paying attention.

If you're interested in learning a little more about all-electric homes, induction cooking or the progress we're making at Stockland Wildflower, read through some of our other articles here

If you're considering a move to our perfectly positioned pocket of Piara Waters, check out what we currently have for sale.  

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