Lot 361 Pepperbush Crescent, Piara Waters
Pepperbush Crescent
Lot 361 is a 309sqm lot ready to secure today. At Wildflower, becoming part of a truly special community is just a step away. With a focus on community engagement and connection, residents can look forward to a lifestyle rich in friendships and shared experiences.
Stockland contact
Stephen Cerqueira
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Stockland contact
Nadine Barnes
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*Price correct at time of publication and is subject to change without notice or obligation. Subject to availability. Stockland is only responsible for the sale of the land. Price does not include stamp duty, registration fees, additional costs that may be incurred under the Building Contract (e.g. due to delays in titling the lot) or any other incidental fees associated with the acquisition of land or a home or the construction of a home.