
At Sienna Wood, we understand the importance of Public Open Space. Open space is practically our bread and butter. And with our community made up of 39% of it - we're setting the bar high.

5 min
16 February 2024

It's no secret that nature does wonders for our health and wellbeing - a quick recharge in the greenery and breath of fresh air can help perk up a tired brain. Research even proves it - spending time in nature can be linked to a boost in cognitive function, and uplifts in mood, mental health and emotional wellbeing (Reference: Nurtured by Nature, Monitor on Psychology, 1 April 2020). If we want to dive into the science, the 'stress reduction hypothesis' explains how spending time in nature can trigger a physiological response that effectively reduces stress levels (Reference: Nurtured by Nature, Monitor on Psychology, 1 April 2020). 

And in the world of masterplanned communities, where a minimum of 10% public open space is the standard, Sienna Wood is going above and beyond. With 39% open space, our community is full to the brim with places to unwind and connect, featuring everything from adventure playgrounds to serene walking trails through restored conservation areas.

What is open space? 

Public open space, or POS for short, goes beyond just adding extra charm and value to a community - it's the unsung hero of urban development. Not only does it offer spots for play, relaxation, and staying active, but it also plays a crucial role in protecting local flora and fauna, fostering community connections, preserving historical and cultural values, and giving the economy a boost by drawing in visitors for sports, recreation and tourism (Reference: Public Open Space, DLGSC, 31 October 2023).

And here at Sienna Wood, we want to make sure there's public open space for everyone to enjoy. With our three themed playgrounds, we've created play opportunities for kids of (almost) all ages. Our newest Dinosaur Park is ideal for toddlers, while Shipwreck Park and Explorer Park cater towards a slightly older age group after fun, sensory play. For those who have outgrown their playground days, the community is full of recreation opportunities - from table tennis tables, to cricket pitches and basketball courts. But, you can find the right open space fit for you here

We've also got conservation areas and wetlands creating green connections throughout the community. With the recent revitalization of Neerigen Brook, crushed limestone trails now seamlessly connect Shipwreck Park to Eleventh Road - offering open space that's perfect for your next morning nature walk, running trail, or midday pick-me-up from the home office. From keeping our local ecosystem in check, to fostering social gatherings and sports games in the park, the environmental, cultural, social and economic benefits of public open space are off the charts.

Why do we have 39% of it? 

When it comes to residential communities, we're not like the others. Thanks to natural water bodies throughout our community - Neerigen Brook, Wungong Brook and our wetlands, we've got areas essential to maintain for our ecosystem. And they're not only picturesque - they give us a real point of difference.

While we continue rehabilitating these pockets, we're also crafting natural spots for you to enjoy every outdoor moment at Sienna Wood. Maybe you've spotted some of our handywork already - kilometres of walking trails winding through Neerigen Brook, landscaped feature playgrounds for the kids, and sports areas peppered throughout the streets so you can get competitive with your friends and family.

And it's all set up so you can experience the very best of the great outdoors. These public open spaces tie back to our vision for Sienna Wood - creating a place where you can live and breathe with nature, an active lifestyle and plenty of safe, clean (and pretty) outdoor spaces on your doorstep.

At Stockland, we've coined a term for the joy that things like open spaces bring - Liveability. Our latest annual Liveability survey showed 7 in 10* Sienna Wood residents love the quality of our local parks and natural surroundings, and 8 in 10* love how easy it is to walk and cycle around the community.

On paper, we're selling blocks of land. But scratch the surface and there's a whole lot more we get excited about adding to your new neighbourhood.

If this sounds like the type of community you'd like to call home, why not check out our most popular house and land packages?

Further information

* Percentage calculated from results obtained in the Stockland Liveability Index Survey conducted on 20/2/23 - 19/3/23. The Stockland Liveability Index Survey contains views and opinions expressed by customers of Stockland. The views, opinions and commentary of such individuals may not represent the views, opinions and commentary of all customers of Stockland. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on the views, opinions and commentary of such individuals

The information supplied on this webpage is supplied for the purpose of providing an impression of Stockland Sienna Wood and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. All details, images and statements are based on the intention and information available to, Stockland as at the time of publication (February 2024) and may change due to future circumstances. Stockland does not give any warranty in relation to the information contained in any third-party websites referred to. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on the third-party websites or its contents. Stockland does not control the third-party websites and does not endorse those websites or any company, product or service mentioned on those websites.  

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