
Finish off your beautiful new home with a fabulous first impression.

3 min
22 March 2019

Making a great first impression is absolutely vital when it comes to buying or selling a house. The front façade of a home is what attracts and captivates you, whether you’re a potential buyer or you’re looking at your brand new home for the very first time.

Often, street appeal is something that’s overlooked, both by the builders of your home and yourself, as new home owners. It’s the last piece of the puzzle in what was surely a long and daunting process. Think of the façade of your property as the front cover of a book – it should draw you in and excite you every time you look at it.

Improving the street appeal of your property provides value ten-fold. It not only shows care and respect, but also increases the value of your home significantly. So, once the builders have packed up the tools and you’ve officially moved into your dream home, don’t neglect the front façade of your home – there’s plenty of things you can do to increase the curbside appeal of your property, without spending a ton of money. 


There is something beautiful green grass

A Tidy & Watered Lawn

There’s something about a well-maintained lawn that elevates your property to another level. You can tell a lot about the state of a home (and by association, the owners) just by looking at how well they look after their lawn. No-one likes dead, overgrown or brown grass; it will drag the look of your home down, no matter what else you do to improve it.

For green grass that will make all your neighbours envious, you firstly need to fertilise. Apply a slow release lawn builder in early summer as your lawn will dry out very quickly in the hot Australian heat. Then, get water-wise with a smart sprinkler system that reaches every spot in your garden. Finally, make sure to maintain your healthy grass by mowing and whipper-snipping either early in the morning or late in the afternoon. 


Light It Up

A great lighting design is so important when it comes to adding street appeal to your home. As well as the traditional lighting that might exist near your front door or over the verandah, you should also invest in some solar lighting for your garden or pathway. It will help to create ambience and give character to your home. The best part? Solar lights are energy efficient, low maintenance, relatively cost-effective and easy to install, too.

Other garden edging ideas include pavers, timber sleepers, hedges and decorative pots. So, if solar lighting isn’t quite your thing, why not try one of these options instead?


Spruce Up The Garden

Finally, there’s one overarching visual effect you can do to your home to increase your street appeal and that’s creating a beautiful front garden filled with plenty of plants, flowers and fresh mulch. As well as the visual benefits, getting outdoors and gardening is a great activity that the whole family can get involved with. So, grab the kids and make a day of it!

If you live in Queensland, you might want to choose hardier plants that can withstand the heat and humidity – think something like a Lillypilly or a Bromeliad. If you’re based in New South Wales, you’ll need something that can survive in both hot and cold climates, like a Smoke Bush or Magnolia flowers. Whereas in Victoria, you might want to buck the system and go for an edible garden, choosing things like limes and passionfruit, which can be grown directly in the soil or on a hanging vine.

Whatever you choose to go for, make sure you have fresh soil and mulch for your plants and flowers to thrive in. And remember, upkeep is key!

Creating street appeal has never been more important. It’s your chance to show pride and care for your property, increase the value of the entire street and give you a great return on your investment when you look at selling years later. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the mower and mulch and get started.