
The Growing Appeal of Townhomes with REA

5 min
07 May 2024

With housing affordability on the minds of many Australians, more people are seeking cost-effective alternatives to the traditional block of land and detached homes.

While some families may opt to live in apartments, for the majority, apartments don't provide the necessary space, layouts or amenities that are essential to the daily lives of a growing family. The solution? Townhomes.

At Stockland, we take great care to ensure that we can provide homes for all Australians. In our masterplanned communities, we are making a considered effort to increase the number of available Townhomes to get more people into their own homes.

Into the Market with REA

We are fortunate to work with some of the industry's leading minds to maintain up-to-date knowledge of what our purchasers want and need in their homes. 

Recently, we had the opportunity to sit down with the Executive Manager of Economic Research at REA Group, Cameron Kusher. Cameron provided insight into the growing trends within the property market that make Townhomes the best option for most families.

"At REA we're noticing that Townhomes are becoming more popular, more people are searching for them, but also more builders and developers are starting to construct them in response to that increase in demand for that product. And that product is really filling a gap in the market," Cameron explains.

Townhomes offer purchasers a real 'best of both worlds' solution, with the space and land opportunity afforded by a traditional home complemented by the low-maintenance lifestyle that comes with apartment living. 

"We're still seeing really strong demand for housing. Of course, for many people now, the price of housing is a challenge. Not everyone's going to want an apartment, I think most Australians still aspire to have a house, and Townhomes fill that gap there," Cameron continued.

"They're very much like a house; they give you that land component that so many people want, but they're at a more affordable price point. So, they really tick the box for a lot of people that are looking to get a foothold into the market,"

"Brand new Townhomes also have features like water tanks and solar panels and you're going to be saving money on those bills. So, the ongoing cost of running that household is going to be reduced."

Embracing Community

Each one of our Townhomes is strategically placed within our masterplanned communities to take advantage of their proximity to things like schools, shops, parks and transport. 

"Providing housing choice to the market is something that's been fundamental to Stockland's success over many, many years. And [the incorporation of] Townhomes allows us to bring a price point to the market that is within reach of many, many Victorians,' explained David Allington, Stockland's General Manager, Communities Victoria. 

If you're looking for a more cost-effective and low-maintenance way to enter the property market, discover our Townhomes here.


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