
Summer Safety at Stockland Cloverton

6 min
17 December 2024

Summer is here, and along with enjoying the warmer weather, we remind residents to stay vigilant about seasonal safety hazards, particularly snakes and bushfires.

Here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer at home.

Snake Safety

  • Stay alert: Be cautious when walking through tall grass or bushy areas. Stick to clear paths and avoid stepping over logs or rocks where snakes might be hiding.
  • Keep your backyard clean: Remove debris, wood piles, and long grass from your yard.
  • Stay calm: If you encounter a snake, remain calm and slowly back away. Do not approach or attempt to catch or kill the snake.
  • Spotted a snake in public?: If you see a snake on council-maintained land (outside a private property), Hume City Council may engage a professional snake handler to relocate it. Contact Hume City Council Customer Service on 9205 2200 to report a snake sighting.
  • Spotted a snake at home?: If you see a snake on your property, a private snake catcher can be engaged at your own cost. Council is unable to intervene on private property. The Victorian Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action's Customer Service Centre can provide a list of snake controllers in your area. Please call 136 186.
  • Emergency plan: If you have been bitten by a snake call 000 immediately.

Read more about snake safety from Hume City Council  

Bushfire Preparedness

  • Plan and prepare: Clear vegetation and flammable materials from around your home. The CFA website has resources to help prepare your home for bushfire season. Learn more here
  • Create a Bushfire Evacuation Plan: Have a clear evacuation plan and practice it with your family. The CFA website has resources to help create your bushfire plan. Learn more here
  • Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as water, food, medications, and important documents. Ensure it’s easily accessible.
  • Stay informed: Keep up-to-date with local fire warnings and weather conditions. Install the CFA or Vic Emergency app, listen to local radio for real-time updates or visit the CFA website. Visit here