The Springview Village 2 and 3 proposal is currently being assessed by the Federal Government under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC).
The Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) is an Australian federal law that provides a framework for protecting the environment. It covers biodiversity, natural places, and cultural heritage. This is the highest level of ecological assessment of development that exists in Australia. The EPBC referral involves a rigorous, science-based technical assessment, including flora and fauna management plans, conducted prior to commencement of any development.
We will continue to work with all levels of government throughout the EPBC assessment and planning processes. Any proposed development by Stockland will comply with these approvals.
This website is supplied for the purpose of providing information about the proposed Springview masterplanned community and is not intended to be used for any other purpose. Stockland is not the registered owner of the development land but is the proposed developer of the site, subject to conditions, including obtaining all required planning and internal approvals to proceed with the development. All details, images and statements on this website are based on the intention of, and information available to, Stockland as at the time of publication (June 2024) and may change due to future circumstances. This website is not legally binding on Stockland. Stockland does not give any warranty in relation to any information contained in this website. Stockland does not accept any liability for loss or damage arising as a result of any reliance on this website or its contents.