Media Release

Stockland sustainability strategy in action – Innovation through diversity

22 September 2017

Stockland’s continued commitment to leadership and ongoing achievement in sustainability is highlighted in its FY17 Annual Review and Sustainability Reporting released today, with the reports providing comprehensive information on the group’s strategy, financial, social and environmental priorities and performance measures.

Mark Steinert, Managing Director and CEO Stockland, said: “These reports demonstrate the shared value we create for our securityholders, customers, community and the environment through the world-leading sustainability initiatives we’re implementing across our business. 

“Our recent announcement of the $23.5 million investment in solar installations, our nation-wide community Liveability Index and our leadership in creating affordable housing options for Australians are just a few examples of initiatives that I’m particularly proud of this year. 

“Over the past decade energy efficiency improvements across our assets have saved our business and tenants over $78 million – so we know that investment in this space makes good business sense, in addition to creating jobs and opportunities for people living in our communities.

“Our diverse portfolio allows us to deliver our purpose and create thriving, walkable, desirable and affordable communities for today and the future, while continuing to deliver strong profit and sustained growth,” Mr Steinert continued. 

Stockland was recently named the Global Leader for the Listed Diversified – Office/Retail category in the GRESB (Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) survey and was listed on the World Dow Jones Sustainability Index for the 11th consecutive year.

Stockland’s 2017 Annual Review integrates reporting on its financial, social and environmental performance, and is available at

Stockland’s online Sustainability Reporting is a series of deep dives on the focus areas of our sustainability strategy and is available at


Stockland’s Sustainability Strategy in Action:

  • Leading the way in renewables and energy efficiency – Stockland has saved over $78 million since FY06 through energy efficiency improvements, and will be rolling out a $23.5 million solar program; Australia’s largest for a property company.
  • Industry first community Liveability Index – Stockland officially launched its Liveability Index, which covers research undertaken since 2011 and outlines the key ingredients to create healthy, connected and affordable communities. The 2017 Index results offer a unique perspective, with more than 2,500 residents responding to the survey.
  • Tackling the housing affordability challenge – In addition to providing a diverse range of housing options, Stockland implemented campaigns to help first home buyers purchase land and build new homes at communities in Sydney, Melbourne and south-east Queensland.
  • Driving liveability through over $6m in community contributions – through Stockland’s expanded suite of 20 community partners nationally, the company has implemented 640 community development initiatives that contribute to liveability scores above national averages for our communities.
  • Industry leadership in Green Star properties – over the reporting period Stockland achieved 5 Star or 6 Star ratings for six residential communities, and achieved its first 5 Star Green Star – As Built rating for a retail town centre (Wetherill Park). Stockland has the most Green Star rated residential communities and retail centres in Australia.
  • Supporting local economic development – the redevelopment of Stockland Green Hills has created nearly 1,500 jobs filled by the local community, and the project has directed over one-third of its procurement spend toward local businesses. The Green Hills Connectivity Centre has matched 74 local job seekers with opportunities in construction, retail, and administration within the retail centre.
  • Innovative earthworks that save both money and carbon emissions – Stockland partnered with its primary contractor on the development of its new residential community at Newport to deliver an innovative earthworks program that saved over 1.5 million cubic metres from potentially going to landfill, saving the project over $3.5 million and reducing the project’s carbon footprint.