
New reconciliation mural at Stockland Rockhampton.

3 min
03 July 2023

Stockland has celebrated the launch of a new reconciliation mural, painted by Indigenous artist Brandon Butler of Gaba Art, at Stockland Rockhampton as part of NAIDOC Week.

The ceremony included a Welcome to Country and a performance by Darumbal Dancers, as well as Darumbal Enterprise’s LeLarnie Hatfield introducing the mural.

The new reconciliation mural was commissioned by Stockland to recognise the custodianship of the land on which Stockland Rockhampton is situated, Darumbal Country, and to better recognise Stockland’s commitment to achieving reconciliation in Australia.

Elysia Billingham, Centre Manager at Stockland Rockhampton, said the mural, spanning eight metres long and four metres high, showcases Stockland’s desire to bring people together in vibrant and engaging centres, that promote curiosity, imagination and connectivity among the community.

“We look for opportunities at our centres for the community to come together to create public art centred on storytelling, knowledge sharing, connection to place, education, and respect and the new reconciliation mural is such an opportunity.”

“We acknowledge the important contribution of Darumbal Enterprises as cultural advisers and coordinators working with Stockland, Elders, and Brandon and Eden Butler of Gaba Art, to ensure the mural brought local stories to life,” said Ms Billingham.

Artist Brandon Butler said he wanted to create an artwork that represents a meeting place for all who live on Darumbal Country.

“Meeting places were a home of sharing stories, song, dance, trade, and Traditional Ceremony, and I hope this mural will invite the local community to learn about First Nations culture and live by showing respect to the land and people,” said Mr Butler.

Darumbal Enterprises said they were thrilled to announce their ongoing partnership with Stockland and were proud of the deadly artwork created by Brandon Butler from Gaba Art.

“This collaboration has allowed us to further strengthen Stockland’s connection to country and indigenous community,” said Darumbal Enterprises.

“Brandon has showcased the deep cultural significance of the land where Stockland Rockhampton is placed and the artwork beautifully reflects the rich tapestry of our Nunthi, telling stories that have been passed down through generations.

“We are honoured to have Gaba Art’s talent and vision bring this story to life through this artwork, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for indigenous culture,” added Darumbal Enterprises.

Stockland encourages its customers and the Rockhampton community to visit the mural during NAIDOC Week. During NAIDOC Week on Saturday 8 July, Stockland will be hosting Corroboree dance performances by the Mundagatta Culture Group at 11am and 12pm.

About the artist, Brandon Butler  

  • Brandon Butler is a proud Aboriginal and South Sea Islander man who was born in and currently lives in Rockhampton.
  • His cultural background includes Gooreng Gooreng, Gurang, Gunggarri, Gangalu, Iman, and First Nation Australian and South Sea Islander (Tanna Island, Vanuatu).
  • Brandon is passionate about sharing his strong cultural connection to the land through his visual and performing arts and keeping the culture alive.
  • His visual arts include traditional and contemporary paintings, printmaking, large scale public and exterior artworks (murals), carved and painted emu eggs and custom artefacts, such as digeridoos, boomerangs, clap sticks and coolamons.
  • His art can be described as predominately traditional with a focus on linework, crosshatching and dots and using a variety of Aboriginal symbols to interpret the stories behind the artwork.
  • All artwork is done freehand, to ensure precise, intricate patterns to produce a one-of-a-kind, piece of original art.

About Stockland’s Reconciliation Action Plan

  • At Stockland we believe that we have both the opportunity and the responsibility to create the right balance of social, environmental and economic conditions for our communities, customers and investors now and in the future. As such, we have a responsibility to ensure we embrace the varied and rich cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities.
  • Our Stockland Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2020 – 2022 (RAP) aims to make a valuable contribution to our communities and our country by helping shape thriving communities that value, respect and celebrate Australia’s First Peoples.
  • Stockland is currently partnering with Reconciliation Australia to develop its Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), which will be released later this year.
  • Our focus on initiatives and programs in the areas of wellbeing, education and community connection will allow us to create a deeper understanding and better embrace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ heritage and their role as the original custodians of Australia.