
Celebrating NAIDOC Week at Stockland: Honouring Indigenous Culture and Community

National NAIDOC Week is dedicated to celebrating and acknowledging the rich history, culture, and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It stands as a moment for all Australians to come together, learning from and honouring the oldest continuous living cultures on Earth.

This year's theme, "Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud," resonates powerfully. It symbolises the enduring spirit of Indigenous communities and invites solidarity in amplifying voices that have historically been marginalised.

The fire represents the resilience and vitality of Indigenous cultures, passed down through generations despite challenges faced. It signifies a deep connection to the land, to community, and to the diverse tapestry of traditions defining Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identities. By honouring this flame, we ignite pride and unity, renewing our commitment to preserving and sharing cultural heritage.


At Stockland, we are proud to celebrate NAIDOC Week as part of our ongoing commitment to reconciliation. In April, we launched our Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP), marking a significant step towards meaningful change. Our journey towards reconciliation is guided by the voices and leadership of First Nations peoples. We recognise that true impact requires genuine partnership and engagement. Through initiatives like our RAP, we aim to contribute positively to the future that values, respects, and celebrates Australia’s First Peoples the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people throughout our company and acknowledge the valuable contribution they bring to our business.


How to celebrate NAIDOC Week

Food and gathering over meals hold profound significance in Indigenous cultures, fostering community and connection. This NAIDOC Week, we encourage everyone to gather with family and friends, sharing in the joy of traditional cuisine and stories. Renowned bush tucker chef and recent recipient of the Order of Australia Medal, Aunty Beryl, inspires us all to embrace Indigenous culinary heritage as a way to celebrate and learn together. The simplicity and comfort of Aunty’sLemon Myrtle Butter Biscuits or her Damper will be sure to bring your family and friends together this week.

Together, let us continue to honour and celebrate NAIDOC Week, advancing reconciliation, understanding, and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Through our collective efforts, we aspire to build a future where diversity is celebrated, and Indigenous voices are uplifted and cherished.


First Nations Collective powered by Stockland Marketplace — is a vibrant showcase of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander entrepreneurship.

Here, you’ll find various businesses owned and operated by First Nations people. They offer a mix of products, from native ingredients to the contemporary flair of fashion and activewear. Each piece, whether it’s homeware, a thoughtful gift, or a stunning work of art, celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Indigenous communities.

Sources and links 
For more information about NAIDOC Week visit: http://www.naidoc.org.au