
Our stores, our stories

Behind each of your favourite stores are passionate, hardworking people who welcome you to take part in their story, every time you walk in. Here, we introduce you to the faces behind some of your favourite Stockland retailers. Learn about the history of their business, the products and services they offer and what they love about their local community.

Meet Hani, Vodafone

1. Tell us about your store?

Our store has been serving the Wetherill Park community for 23 years and during this time, we have evolved with the changing telecom and technology needs. We are a proud Vodafone dealer and provide solutions including mobile phones, tablets, smart watches and NBN.


2. What do you love about our local community?

We love the multi-cultural community and loyalty the customers have towards us. We have served almost 2 generations - I remember when we first opened the shop, parents would visit with their kids, and we would give demo phones to kids for free. Now those kids have grown up and are bringing their own kids in to choose a phone or sorting out their telecom needs. Many no longer live nearby, but they still come back to visit us.


3. Why do you think shopping centres are important?

There are lot of ways that you can purchase products and services these days. When you purchase a product without touching or looking at it, the chances of that product not being right for you is very high. When you purchase a product in the store, you can speak with someone in person who has product knowledge and expertise. This gives you a much better customer experience.


4. What motivates you?

Having grown up in the area with my family, when I visit local clubs and various places, you get to meet the people and their families. It motivates me when those people I have met visit my store, giving me a chance to help them with their telecom needs. It creates a personal relationship between the local community and my team. At times it feels like I am serving family members rather than customers.


5. What’s three words that describe your store?

Best customer experience and community based store.


If you’d like to read more about your most-loved retailers, their products, and the faces behind the businesses, click through to the Retailer Stories page on our Belong hub. There are plenty of stories to share!