
Our stores, our stories

Behind each of your favourite stores are passionate, hardworking people who welcome you to take part in their story, every time you walk in. Here, we introduce you to the faces behind some of your favourite Stockland retailers. Learn about the history of their business, the products and services they offer and what they love about their local community.

Meet Linda, Priceline Pharmacy

1. Tell us about your store?
Priceline Pharmacy Wetherill Park is a fun and vibrant pharmacy to shop in, with helpful friendly staff that have been trained in the latest ranges we stock throughout the store in health and beauty.

2. What products, services or experiences do you offer?
We are a major health and beauty destination offering the latest in modern pharmacy health services, plus the latest trends and products in cosmetics, skincare and hair care. Some of the services we provide are Impromy weight loss clinic, Blood Pressure checks, Health Checks, NDSS Diabetes service, Medication Packing, SMS script reminder, Delivery service, Click and collect, Medication reviews, Skincare analysis, Make up application and advice, and ear piercing.

3. What do you love about your store? 
I love the great specials and big sales we have. I especially love working with a great team that truly provide a fantastic customer experience. As a manager I love the respect my team shows to each other and our customers, especially throughout the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, being on the front line for our customers every day to continually provide advice and service.

4. What are some common customer questions you get?
Some of the most common questions are about the services and if we provide delivery, which we do. We also receive many questions about skincare concerns and solutions that we can help with.

5. What do you love about our local community?
I love the diversity of the local community, it's very multicultural and colourful. Our community is friendly and loyal and like to shop locally.

6. What’s three words that describe your store?
Beautiful, inviting, reliable.


If you’d like to read more about your most-loved retailers, their products, and the faces behind the businesses, click through to the Retailer Stories page on our Belong hub. There are plenty of stories to share!